ponedjeljak, 29. veljače 2016.

Sunshine and Wood - LOVE

Bamboo, Damyang, Sunshine

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Cover artNova inovacija iz Facebook kompanije je Facebook Lite. Tačnije aplikacija koju možete preuzeti sa Google Play. Dobra strana ove aplikacije što zauzima veoma malo memorije na Android uređajima i zato ga preporučujem svim korisnicima Facebook platforme.

Slikovni rezultat za western union


Western Union is a global company that offers years of service of fast money transfer worldwide .

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Contact on:

e-mail: mulee.ask@gmail.com

nedjelja, 28. veljače 2016.

Zašto Viber i 700 miliona korisnika

ViberS Viberom se može povezati bilo ko na svijetu. Besplatno. Viber ima više od 664 milijuna korisnika koji šalju poruke, koriste HD telefonske i video pozive po cijelom svijetu preko Wi-Fi ili 3G mreže - besplatno.* Grupne poruke moguće je napraviti s do 200 prijatelja, dijeliti slike, videozapise, naljepnice, veze i još. Nema potrebe za registracijom, tvoj telefonski broj tvoj ID i Viber sinhronizira tvoj popis kontakata na telefonu automatski. Ako želiš zvati mobilne i fiksne brojeve koji nisu na Viberu, u ponudi imaš Viber Out kredite po privlačno niskim cijenama. Možete preuzeti i aplikaciju Viber Wink kako biste slali poruke koje će se izbrisati nakon što ih se pregleda.

Moj lični utisak o Viber-u je da je on FENOMENALAN i da njegova popularnost raste nevjerovatnom brzinom. Dobra strana je što spaja ljude širom svjeta i svakako ga preporučujem svima. Preuzmi, besplatno je.

Did you know that:

Full Moon, Moon, Night, Sky, Dark, Black, Moonlight

Interesting facts about the universe part 1.

1. Beginning on about 41 percent of the lunar surface is not visible from Earth, and it never will.

Lightning creates a second temperature that is five times higher than the temperature at the surface of the sun.

3. All the continents on Earth are expanding in the northern than in the southern hemisphere, but no one knows why.

4th Astronauts can not belch while in space (not that it should not, but I can not!).

5. When someone was in alien territory without any protection (vehicles and the like), before it exploded but suffocated because there is no air pressure.

6. Astronauts are higher while in space but while on Earth.

7. As you are in space, astronauts can not cry because that there is no gravity, but the tears falling down her face.

8 for eight and a half minutes for the light to come from the Sun to the Earth.

Jupiter's moon Ganymede ninth is larger than the planet Mercury!

10. On the whole Earth lightning strike about 6,000 times in one minute.

11th Over 20 million meteorite enters the Earth's atmosphere every day.

12. The sun is a star.

13th Earth every day the weight of which 100 tonnes because of space dust that constantly fall.

14. Soil is warmer by 0.02 degrees when the moon is full.

15 Country is slowly turning in March than in September.

16th Earth is heavy around 6,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons.

17th Heart astronauts reduce when in space.

18th Sun is about 330,330 times greater than Earth's.

19th volume of the moon is the same as the volume of the Pacific.

20. Alan Shepard was the first man to the surface of the moon played golf. As a stick he served device for taking soil samples. The first blow was very short, while the second blow golf ball, according to him, 'flew a mile away.

21st Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

22. The sun produces so much energy that it is believed that every second the core of the sun emits energy the same as one in 100 billion nuclear bombs. Quite unthinkable!

23rd It is commonly thought that Galileo Galilei invented the telescope. But according to the latest findings, it is considered that it still was not him, but the Dutchman Johannes Lippershey who was producing glasses. Galileo it seems to be the first used for observation of the universe.

24th Light that comes from the very distant galaxies and stars really need much time to get to us. Therefore, when we look at the sky, we see objects that have appeared before a hundred, a thousand or more years ago, we actually look into the past.

25. While Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, the temperature on it often drops below zero. Why? Mercury has a very thin atmosphere, is so rare that it is often thought that at all, but there is nothing that will trap heat on the surface. Therefore, the dark side of Mercury (one that does not face the sun) very cold. On the other hand, Venus is farther from the Sun, but is much hotter than Mercury. It has a very thick atmosphere that traps heat on the surface.

Why Viber and 700 million users?

With Viber can be connected to anyone in the world. Free. Viber has over 664 million users who send messages, using the definition of telephone and video calls worldwide via Wi-Fi or 3G - for free. * Group message can be made with up to 200 friends, share pictures, videos, stickers, ties and more. There is no need for registration, your phone number, your ID and Viber syncs your contacts list on your phone automatically. If you want to call mobile and landline numbers that are not on Viber, housekeeping have Viber Out loans at attractive low prices. You can download the application Viber Wink to send messages that will be deleted after it is reviewed.

My personal impression about Viber is that he is phenomenal and that its popularity is growing at incredible speed. The good side is what connects people around the world and definitely recommend it to everyone. Download, free.

Oglašavanje na blogu:

Na blogu 'Black'n'White Coffee' imate priliku se oglašavati jednokratno, po sedmici ili mjesecu, čak možete i na 6 do 12 mjeseci. Način reklamiranja:


- zakupljenje banner-a na blogu;
- postovi (nije ograničeno);
- stranica (u redu iznad postova).

Društvene mreže:


- profilna slika;
- naslovna slika;
- share ( Vaših  važnih događaja, akcija, bilo koje objave );
- post.


- profilna;
- naslovna;
- share;
- post.


- profilna;
- post.

O načinu naplaćivanja me može kontaktirati marketing tim preko e-mail-a, facebook-a, twitter-a. Također pored novca, primam poklone, akcije na neki uređaj ili bilo šta, također možete poslati uređaj da ga ispitam, pa ako mi se svidi ide u reklame.


nedjelja, 14. veljače 2016.

O svemu pomalo...

Zdravo ljudi!!!

Ovih dana prijetili ste da nije bilo blog postova. IMAM OPRAVDANJE! Bio sam veoma bolestan i neki žestoki virus me je napao, hvala Bogu sve je sada OK! 

Pošto nisam bio u mogućnosti da se izlažem toliko vani, gdje je sad vjetar, pa sunce, pa kiša i sve tako u 16, nisam bio u mogućnosti da doživim neku inspiraciju i prosto sve sto bi pisao, pisao bi ''al u pokušaju''. Pošto je sada sve OK, potrudit ću se da što redovnije update-ujem postove (ako ne svaki onda svaki drugi-treći dan). Dakle, sve zavisi šta budem imao pisati to ću i objaviti na jednom od tri bloga koje trenutno vodim. 

Ako imate neke nedoumice, a smatrate da vam mogu pomoći javite se u inbox na g-mail-u, pa ću vam ja odgovoriti u što kraćem mogućem roku što se tiče gaming-a, blogovanja i ostalih IT nedoumica... Tako da možete uskoro očekivati kanal na Youtube servisu. Tu ćete moći vidjeti neke igre koje ja budem igrao, a na mom blogu IT dominations i same moje utiske tih igara.

Ažuriram ovaj post, jer sam zaboravio navesti još jednu u važu stvar, a mislim da ako bih je ostavio za neki naredni post, da bi zaboravio. U zadnje vrijeme objavljujem blogove na bosanskom i/ili engleskom, tj. ako je blog kraći onda ću pisati na oba jezika, a npr. blog kao ovaj će biti na jednom ili ću dva puta isti blog objaviti samo na različitim jezicima.

Pozzz ;)

Contact on G-mail.

subota, 6. veljače 2016.

Did you know...

that the elephant mammal with the most advanced mental functions, much more developed 
than, for example, cats and dogs?

keep your body in seconds create and kill about 15 million blood cells?

Albert Einstein did not speak until the third year, and loved to play the violin?

that the sun will shine for at least 7 billion years ago?

that the average man is pronounced almost 5,000 words a day, but 80% of it talking to himself?

that are the main constituents of the earth's atmosphere is nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%)?

it is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open?

the first CD was released in the United States was "Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen?

that in the Middle Ages, sugar was so valuable that it is worth nine times more than milk?

the first written record of the Loch Ness Monster dates back 565 years?

that the famous Genghis Khan died in bed during sexual intercourse?

you can light a fire with the help of ice?

that the surface of the Sahara slightly smaller than the area of ​​the United States?

that Muhammad Ali began boxing 12 years after his bicycle was stolen, and he is one of the policemen advised to learn to box?

that sheep can recognize other sheep with pictures?

that the city of Tokyo before called Edo?

that yawning usually takes about 6 seconds?

that bananas contain natural chemical that can make you happy?

that before the 17th century, carrots were purple?

that alcoholic beverages contain all 13 minerals necessary for human life?

that the average adult has 2.7 kg skin?

blood that makes up about 8% of the total human mass?

that the Nile river 6,690 km long?

that the Atlantic saltier than the Pacific Ocean?

that only 1% of the bacteria are pathogens?

that female ferrets can die if you went into heat and can not find a partner?

When I went to the site to examine a film if I like . I noticed on the cover film called '' Martian ''. Then I was interested to see the film . The next time I visited the same site , I decided to review it . When I entered I saw that movie lasts more than two hours, I thought it would get bored and I'll go out on half of the film . Looking at the action of the film , I was stunned by the story of a man who was left at the mercy of Mars . You and discovery and experiment to NASA The Future perform on Mars . So it's '' Martian '' one of the better films .

Slikovni rezultat za martian
Photo by: Youtube

Kada sam ušao na sajt da pregledam neki film ako mi se svidi. Primjetio sam na naslovnoj strani film po imenu ''Martian'' (Marsovac). Tad nisam bio zainteresovan za gledanje tog filma. Naredni put kad sam posjetio isti sajt odlučio sam ga pregledati. Kada sam ušao i vidio da film traje više od dva sata mislio sam da će mi dosaditi i da ću izaći na pola filma. Gledajući radnju filma, ostao sam zapanjen prićom čovjeka koji je ostavljen na milost i nemilost Marsa. Također i otkrića i eksperiment koji će NASA ubudućnosti izvesti na Marsu. Tako da mi je ''Marsovac'' jedan od boljih filmova.

srijeda, 3. veljače 2016.

Evo Reality-a, evo LUDILA

Već deceniju Balkan potresa groznica po imenu Reality programi. Sama srž Rijalitija jeste zabavljanje gledalaca, promovisanje nekih novih interesantnih osoba, finansijska pomoć kao i reklama tim osobama (da ako hoće graditi dalje svoju krarijeru i put do zvijezda), naravno postoje i oni koji udomaćuju zvijezde sa već izgrađenim imenom i već poznate ljudima, a i na samom kraju ogromna zarada TV kućama na kojima se emituju te vrste programa.

Tako da i od početka ove 2016. Godine možete uživati u Rijaliti programima.